Here's a couple of photos of our workbook and final hand in. We bought a usb drive to put our final on, and decided to hide it in the journal as a way to link the project together as a whole. Pretty much we're clever girls! :)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Hand In
Hand in today before 11 - just compiling everything now. Very rough job of poster, but will definitely be rectified for exhibition!
Here's a couple of photos of our workbook and final hand in. We bought a usb drive to put our final on, and decided to hide it in the journal as a way to link the project together as a whole. Pretty much we're clever girls! :)
Here's a couple of photos of our workbook and final hand in. We bought a usb drive to put our final on, and decided to hide it in the journal as a way to link the project together as a whole. Pretty much we're clever girls! :)
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Presentation/Poster Planning
Presentation/Poster – Key Points
- Film is based on the addiction to technologies such as texing, facebooking and other social media.
- Uses the traditional fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty” as a vehicle to illustrate the relationship between the addiction and overcoming it.
- Provides valuable social commentary for the community about this emerging trend.
- Expresses concerns about the social implications of communicating through devices and the loss of face-to-face contact.
- Reiterates the importance of conversation and the pleasures of human contact.
- Deals with online issues, connectivity and the social/personal issues this creates.
- Also references the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty archetype to bring the messages of SB and the disassociated patient together.
- Modern issue – recontextualising fairy tale.
- Stories have been invasive in our culture, expressed through the media, cinema and society.
- The love for stories is a universal passion, the story is everywhere and consequently, story telling is equally universal.
- The wonderful worlds that fairy tales portray evoke a sense of familiarity and recognition, reminding us of moral truths and life lessons we would not think of questioning.
- With the growing increase of social networking sites, students in particular are affected by the need to associate online, creating an affliction of modern life.
- Constant users are beginning to show symptoms similar to drug and alcohol addictions.
- Four common characteristics can be derived: excessive use, withdrawal, tolerance and negative repercussions and an inability to function without media and social links.
- Two main themes of “home is where the heart is” and “true love conquers all”
- Two main characters – “Sleeping Beauty” and “Prince Phillip.”
- Story follows Aurora through her awakening from her “offline” (sleeping) state. With the love and guidance of Phillip and her own determination, Aurora can rediscover who she is and take the necessary steps back into reality.
- Aurora – rehab patient experiencing withdrawals from her social media addiction. Has lost all social abilities within the real world. She must overcome this.
- Phillip – Doctor at Revive Rehabilitation. Caring and sensitive, he must prevent Aurora falling in the same way as his ex fiancĂ©, healing himself in the process.
- REVIVE REHAB – help patients overcome their difficulties and get their lives back. The secluded, seaside setting allows a break from the patient’s former life and a chance to come back to reality.
- POST PRODUCTION (colour grading/rotoscoping) etc…
Poster Examples – formatting
- Central proposition (aim of project – brief explanation)
- The process (methods)
- Character Development
- Technical Aspects
- Project Findings
- Central Proposition
- Background
- Production
- Inspiration
- Design Strategies
- Process (story boards)
- Techniques/Post Production
- Context
- Technology
- Central Proposition
- Target Audience
- Scenario
- Solution (how they did it)
- Development
- Background
- Central Proposition
- Target Audience
- Solution
- Final
- Central Proposition
- Background
- Production
- Influences
- Characters
- Techniques
- Final
Friday, October 15, 2010
Sound Map ( For Keir)
We are lucky enough to have Keir help us with the sound for our movie. Because he has never seen it and doesn't know anything about it we have created a sound map with "significant moments" of the film which cue music. Under these moments we have written the types of sounds/scores we are wanting as to get across the best possible emotional response to the film.
It's a bit of a mess but you get the jist.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Reshoots - TONIGHT
So we are finally getting to reshoot the office scenes tonight. Changing this a bit - See new Storyboard below:
Ben's Page:
He's a gamer, big World of Warcraft fan haha
Jessica's Page:
She has a black rose because she's so far gone
Data Collection Log:
Thanks Annabelle :)
So because of the change I've had to make some more props. These are the patients "Friendspeak" pages - one of Aurora, Ben (for Phillip to look at while he's working on their progress) and also Jessica for a flashback of him doing the same when she was a patient.
Aurora's Page:
Rose Symbol, persistent throughout the film.
He's a gamer, big World of Warcraft fan haha
Jessica's Page:
She has a black rose because she's so far gone
Data Collection Log:
New basic animation props:
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