Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Plot Draft

Set in a hyper reality where social networking has become such an addiction that rehab clinics have been set up. Majority of the patients suffer from extreme withdrawals similar to that of drug addicts.

The real world and online world are dismantled and networking addicts find it hard to come back to reality and socially lack physical and human companionship.

Bringing in the themes of “true love conquers all” and “home is where the heart is” taken from sleeping beauty.

Following a multi-plot structure of two main characters Aurora (sleeping beauty) and Phillip (the prince) and incorporating other elements of the bad fairy/witch from sleeping beauty (personified through the online social networking system) and the good fairy (Phillips sister- linked only through personality traits- she never meets Aurora).

Auroras Story:

Aurora (sleeping beauty) is a rehab patient who is experiencing extreme withdrawals from her offline state. She is in her early stages of awakening and through her addiction she has lost all social abilities within the real world.

  • Wakes up in field – represents her early stages of coming out of her withdrawal “sleeping” state.  
  • Narrates/flashbacks to the beginning of her rehab- only shows what she’s been told and parts of her blurry visions, hands/presence there comforting and looking after her. 
  • Goes back to beginning of her addiction- home life ect...
  • Awakens in middle of the night and finds Phillip crying, Aurora wants to talk/communicate but cant because she has been so removed from the real world and people that she doesn’t know how to act 
  • From this she runs away desperately trying to find some form of technology so she can communicate to him- the nurses take over and prick her to knock her out.

Switch to Phillips Story:

Phillip is a volunteer in the rehab center, he lost his sister to social networking addiction and blames himself for not being able to save her so he is trying to make up for it.
Through Phillips experience with his younger sister he understands how important it is for people to live in the real world rather than the online one.

  • Starts with his memory of when Aurora first arrives to the clinic (narration) 
  • He was the one who was there constantly nursing and comforting her  
  • Introducing the scene where Aurora first meets Phillip (in a conscious state) with him crying alone in his room- looking at a photo of his sister.  
  • Her desperation to try find technology to communicate to him brings back strong (possibly blocked out) memories of his sister behaving in the same way- split screen??  
  • Flashes back to a montage of his sisters deteriation and eventually her death- her symptoms and actions were that very similar to Auroras- he shows intense concern for her fate and also knows that he loves her but she can not love him in the same way because she can not connect with reality- yet

Auroras Story Continued: 

  • Aurora wakes up and her only visions/thoughts are on Phillip (its as if she has awoken) and ways to contact him aka “online”- the only way she knows how 
  • She is becoming more conscious of the real world but still heavily effected by the offline/withdrawal state. 

something cool will be inserted here

End scene- Aurora gets saved by Phillip somehow- he helps her connect and begin to live in the real/physical world- final shot and first human connection, Aurora reaches out to hold Phillips hand in sunset.

Art Direction idea:

colours and lighting slowly move from black, green, scarlet and sickly purples- heavily saturated deep and harsh to soft colours of oranges, blues, pinks, and yellows- sun and warmth. 


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