Monday, July 26, 2010

Changes to script structure:

Opening- scene one:
  • Auroras dream sequence in field
  • wakes up in rehab room
Scene two:
  • Rehab staff room
  • Marissa's conversation about new protocols "no touching patients" to max
  • Phillip walks in as she leaves 
  • conversation with Max about work and some patients before Phillip heads to morning group session
Scene three:
  • Aurora alone in rehab room- huddled and withdrawn in corner of bed
  • nurse enters, has encouraging conversation with Aurora to bring her into group session
  • conversation hints at how long Auroras been there
  • Aurora hesitantly goes with her- they leave room
Scene Four:
  • Phillips group session os underway in the common room/lounge
  • Patient, Ben, is at the tail end of his "story" is interupted with Auroras arrival
  • Phillip feels instant attraction- "love at first sight"
  • Aurora is encouraged to sit and share "her story" she bars up- runs away back into her isolation? maybe Phillip goes after her she passes him a note through door? 
  • also need to introduce phillips cellphone in this scene...
  • Phillips group session os underway in the common room/lounge
  • Patient, Ben, is at the tail end of his "story" is interupted with Auroras arrival
  • Phillip looks at her with caring loving eyes and welcomes her with a charming smile (helped look after her at her worse sate and feel in love with her then- possible small flashback)
  • Aurora is seated and asked to share her story she try's but is mute- struggles to speak
  • scene is interrupted with Phillips cellphone call (needs to be a losely relevant conversation- maybe something to do with the lost wife??)
  • Aurora takes notice of cellphone
  • also need to include Phillips sympathy toward Auroras strugle of speech

Scene Five:
  • Aurora awakens in her rehab room- it is late at night 
  • a small parcel is siting on her bedside table
  • she grabs it and a small note falls saying "I hope you can use this to find your words again- Phillip" it is a journal and pen 
  • Aurora starts writing- flashbacks about her past life- don't show her addiction to internet just yet leave it as a unknown substance addiction
Scene Six:
  • hint at days/weeks have gone by
  • Aurora sits in the common room slightly removed and writing in her journal 
  • more memories
  • phillip is in group session but his eye keeps wondering in her direction
  • she catches his eye as she continues to write away
  • also echo of "hands" that Aurora refers to in her journal- visual link
Scene Seven:
  • Rehab hallway night, Phillip is doing his rounds
  • Pauses outside Auroras Door before heading off for his break
  • goes into office and shuffles trough papers and file before sitting down
Scene Eight:
  • Aurora awakens from another dream
  • she hears muffled sounds of someone crying she gets out of bed to investigate
  • she reaches the office where Phillip is- Phillip turns around with tears in his eyes
  • Aurora wants to comfort him with words but still unable to speak she looks at phillips belt where is cellphone is and desperately reaches to grab it 
  • there is a struggle between Phillip and Aurora he grabs her then she seizes up and faints
  • Phillip carefully picks her up and carries her away heading back towards her room
  • he places her on her bed pulls the blankets around her then softly kisses her before turning to leave
  • Aurora awakens and looks in his direction as the door closes behind him
Scene Nine: same time as scene eight
  • Max passing through hallway stops outside Auroras slightly open door and witnesses Phillips kiss with Aurora
Scene Ten:
  • Phillip closes Aurora's door, turns and continues down the hallway
  • max follows Phillip before grabbing his arm to confront him
  • Phillip turns- gets slightly angry but never admits he was in the wrong
  • Max informs Phillip that he has to report him, turns and leaves Phillip standing in the hallway
Scene Eleven:
  • Marissa's in her office swamped with papers- there is a knock
  • Phillip enters
  • Marisssa says max saw her
  • Phillip justifies why he did it with no regrets
  • Phillip is put on leave (possibly put a time on  it so there is reference to time period)
Scene Twelve:
  • Aurora sits in her room (day and warmer lighting) narration of her "awakening" 
  • Max come into room 
  • Aurora speaks for the first time
  • Max tells her of Phillips story
  • montage and flashback as Max talks- also cuts to scene twelve through out scene
  • max leaves Aurora in her room thinking (slightly more darker lighting again)
Scene Thirteen: same time as scene twelve
  • Phillip walks towards duck pond 
  • he sits and has a reflective moment
  • pulls engagement ring out of pocket and holds in palm of his hand
  • thinks
  • then throws the ring into the pond before turning to leave
Scene Fourteen: 
  • Late at night , Aurora is awake in her room waiting
  • Phillip is on night duty he sees that Aurora is awke
  • enters room notices journal is full
  • she looks up at him and speaks "I'm not going to end up like her- I need your help"
Scene Fifteen:
  • Cut to Phillip unlocking office door, they both enter the room glows blue from the light of the computer
  • Aurora hesitates over the key board
  • Phillip steps in and logs her into the internet
  • She connects to her multiple profiles and pushes “Delete All”
  • The window flicker across screen and automatically shut down
  • Auroras hand twitches at her side as she stands by Phillip watching her online life erase away
  • She slowly links her fingers between Phillips fingers (first self initiated human contact) 



    Creative Writing Aid (metaphorical way of expressing Aurora's condition)

    • Photos/Music
    • Wires
    • Icons
    • Hard Drive
    • Symbols (programs, power)
    • Domains
    • CSS
    • Plugs
    • Arrow
    • Disk Drive
    • Spinning Wheel
    • Hour Glass
    • Browswers
    • People
    • Keyboards
    • Chat
    • Wireless/WIFI
    • Social Networking
    • Games
    • Dial-tone
    • Fan
    • www
    • Cables
    • Numbers
    • USB
    • HTML (hyper-text markup language)
    • Chips/memory cards
    • GLossy screen
    • Files
    • RAM (random access memory)
    • Metal (steel)

    Script Changes - REHAB CLINIC

    Initially we have written this clinic to be quite sterile, really military like especially as we have built this image from stereotypical cliches and from other movies we've seen/books we've read. After feedback and thinking about it, we have decided to focus on more of a Residential Rehab in either the form of a home stay, farm stay, beach resort or the likes. 

    First we need to distinguish what sort of staff we would need. These would be paid on-site workers broken into different categories:

    • Program Director
    • Clinical Director
    • Psychiatrist
    • Detox Physician
    • Psychotherapist
    • Group Facilitator
    • Director of Therapeutic Services
    • Director of Administrations
    • Director of Operations
    • Clinician (Doctor)
    • Chiropractor
    • Acupuncturist
    • Dietician
    • Yoga Instructor
    • Fitness/Nutrition
    • Chef
    • Advisors
    • Co-ordinator
    • Nurses

    After tossing around some ideas we have decided on REVIVE. As it suggests, the clinic/escape brings people "back to life, to reality."  The correct definition is to "restore to life of consciousness."

    We would prefer that this is a homestead rural environment in secluded/pristine settings.


    • Small (patients get one-on-one care)
    • Homestead
    • Paid Staff
    • Inpatients - Treatment Programs
    • Caring, nurturing staff
    • Optional treatment
    The mission at Revive is to help patients overcome their difficulties and get their life back. Rehab is never easy and in order to complete the process successfully, patients need to feel entirely comfortable in their healing environment. Revive Rehab nurtures that peace of mind and provides clients with unique treatment plans, catering to each individuals needs. The secluded, rural setting allows a break from the patients former life and a chance to come back to reality.

    Program and Clinical Director = Marissa Malcolm (M.Malcolm)

    • Compassionate
    • Empathetic
    • Kind/Caring
    • Knows when to be strict
    • Aware of adhering to guidelines
    • Busy/ little bit stressed

    Auditions 25th July 2010

    Information and photos from Auditions here

    Audition set up:

    Saturday, July 24, 2010

    Audition Planning

    Auditions are to be held Sunday 25th July beginning 10am and going through until 7.30pm. Eeeek. Hopefully everyone turns up! Have got 27-odd people confirmed but we shall see. Holding these in Room 10B05 at Massey. Annabelle and I will be auditioning actors, as well as guest "judge" Stephanie Pearce who has had involvement with acting. Actors have been asked to revise a script of two selected scenes for each character. These are:


    And Phillip: 

    From the auditions we will discuss who had the best portrayal of each character and cast accordingly. We also have minor characters and extras to cast so unsuccessful lead parts could always go into one of these. 

    I sent an email out to each actor, check out my professional tone:
    Hello all,

    Thank you so much for your interest in the role of Phillip. We have a couple of other roles available if you are not picked and we also require a lot of extras so you can still be involved either way! 

    Auditions will be held in room 10B05 Massey University, Wellington. We will sign post the directions to the room from the main entrance of the museum building (behind the big clock tower where the unknown soldier is buried - I will attach a map). It is very easy to get to, just through the left side entrance and up the stairs. There is a foyer which you are able to wait in until your audition. 

    There are to be three people on the judging panel - myself, Annabelle Archibald (the other Director) and Stephanie Pearce. We will require you to become familiar with the script that I will attach for you. For your peace of mind, it is only a selection of bits from two scenes. The role of Phillip requires an emotive style of acting; there is one particular scene where he is very upset. He is also very loving. From your audition, we will assess your portrayal of Phillip and discuss the likeness to which we are planning his character and let you know the results. 

    Any other enquiries that arise please do not hesitate to contact me.


    Charlotte Corrigall

    P.S. I have also attached the auditions timetable - please remember your time and try not to be late, we are running a tight schedule so would appreciate everyone being prompt. Thanks! 

    All I've been doing lately is email, email, email!! Ahhh...maybe I'm becoming our character :P 

    ♥ Charlotte

    Substance Dependency

    rehab and drug abuse research to help create a more beliveable character for Aurora...

    Drug Rehab Stories:
    From a grateful alumnus…

    "In the last six months I have had to face things that I never wanted to face. Without your help and guidance, that would have never been possible. There is a lot I could say about being a part of SLBTS (Sober Living by the Sea); however, I would just like to say thank you for showing me a new way to live and look at things. If it weren't for you, who knows where I would be right now, assuming I were alive, that is. I have a great amount of gratitude and the utmost respect for the kindness you have shown me and my family.

    "I have seen a different way to live and it is up to me to take action. I will do everything in my power to make my life manageable and meaningful. I do not know what the future holds for me, although I do believe it is a future without drugs."
    sober living testimonials

    substance abuse addiction
    Understanding drug addiction:

    Addiction is a complex disorder characterized by compulsive drug use. People who are addicted feel an overwhelming, uncontrollable need for drugs or alcohol, even in the face of negative consequences. This self-destructive behavior can be hard to understand. Why continue doing something that’s hurting you? Why is it so hard to stop?
    The answer lies in the brain. Repeated drug use alters the brain—causing long-lasting changes to the way it looks and functions. These brain changes interfere with your ability to think clearly, exercise good judgment, control your behavior, and feel normal without drugs. These changes are also responsible, in large part, for the drug cravings and compulsion to use that make addiction so powerful.
    How addiction develops:
    The path to drug addiction starts with experimentation. You or your loved one may have tried drugs out of curiosity, because friends were doing it, or in an effort to erase another problem. At first, the substance seems to solve the problem or make life better, so you use the drug more and more.
    But as the addiction progresses, getting and using the drug becomes more and more important and your ability to stop using is compromised. What begins as a voluntary choice turns into a physical and psychological need. The good news is that drug addiction is treatable. With treatment and support, you can counteract the disruptive effects of addiction and regain control of your life.
    Signs and symptoms of drug abuse and addiction:

    Common signs and symptoms of drug abuse

    • You’re neglecting your responsibilities at school, work, or home (e.g. flunking classes, skipping work, neglecting your children) because of your drug use.
    • You’re using drugs under dangerous conditions or taking risks while high, such as driving while on drugs, using dirty needles, or having unprotected sex.
    • Your drug use is getting you into legal trouble, such as arrests for disorderly conduct, driving under the influence, or stealing to support a drug habit. 
    • Your drug use is causing problems in your relationships, such as fights with your partner or family members, an unhappy boss, or the loss of old friends.

    Common signs and symptoms of drug addiction

    • You’ve built up a drug tolerance. You need to use more of the drug to experience the same effects you used to with smaller amounts.
    • You take drugs to avoid or relieve withdrawal symptoms. If you go too long without drugs, you experience symptoms such as nausea, restlessness, insomnia, depression, sweating, shaking, and anxiety.
    • You’ve lost control over your drug use. You often do drugs or use more than you planned, even though you told yourself you wouldn’t. You may want to stop using, but you feel powerless.
    • Your life revolves around drug use. You spend a lot of time using and thinking about drugs, figuring out how to get them, and recovering from the drug’s effects.
    • You’ve abandoned activities you used to enjoy, such as hobbies, sports, and socializing, because of your drug use.
    • You continue to use drugs, despite knowing it’s hurting you. It’s causing major problems in your life—blackouts, infections, mood swings, depression, paranoia—but you use anyway.

    Physical warning signs of drug abuse

    • Bloodshot eyes or pupils that are larger or smaller than usual.
    • Changes in appetite or sleep patterns. Sudden weight loss or weight gain.
    • Deterioration of physical appearance and personal grooming habits.
    • Unusual smells on breath, body, or clothing.
    • Tremors, slurred speech, or impaired coordination.

    Behavioral signs of drug abuse

    • Drop in attendance and performance at work or school.
    • Unexplained need for money or financial problems. May borrow or steal to get it.
    • Engaging in secretive or suspicious behaviors.
    • Sudden change in friends, favorite hangouts, and hobbies.
    • Frequently getting into trouble (fights, accidents, illegal activities).

    Psychological warning signs of drug abuse

    • Unexplained change in personality or attitude.
    • Sudden mood swings, irritability, or angry outbursts.
    • Periods of unusual hyperactivity, agitation, or giddiness.
    • Lack of motivation; appears lethargic or “spaced out.”
    • Appears fearful, anxious, or paranoid, with no reason.

    rehab treatment

    capri trust- rehab clinic

    Production Schedule

    Rough Film Production Schedule to keep us on track :)

    Psychoanalytical Film Theory

     Been looking into the study of psychoanalysis and what happens when this is intermingled with film.  I am curious to see how this could be incorporated into our short, especially because we are using dreams and symbols to communicate themes from Sleeping Beauty and both have been found to be communicative through the unconscious mind.

    "Psychoanalytic film theory emphasizes the notion of production in its
    description, considering the viewer as a kind of desiring producer of the
    cinematic fiction. According to this idea, then, when we watch a film it
    is as if we were somehow dreaming it as well; our unconscious desires
    work in tandem with those that generated the film-dream." 

    Dreams provide access to unconscious--- produces a symbolic text, which must be read, but it uses various techniques to hide its desiring:

    The unconscious and conscious are linked through language. "As dreams, slips of the tongue, failures of memory, jokes, puns indicate unconscious wishes and desires---- with a logic of their own--- underlie even the most innocent activity. - Scholarship Psychoanalysis & Film

    Maya Deren - Meshes of the Afternoon 1943

    Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) is a short experimental film directed by wife and husband team, Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid. The film's narrative is circular, and repeats a number of psychologically symbolic images, including a flower on a long driveway, a key falling, a door unlocked, a knife in a loaf of bread, a mysterious Grim Reaper–like cloaked figure with a mirror for a face, a phone off the hook and an ocean. Through creative editing, distinct camera angles, and slow motion, the surrealist film depicts a world in which it is more and more difficult to catch reality. (Wikipedia)

    ♥ Charlotte

    Thursday, July 22, 2010


    Like these for dream scene (in the grass)....

    ♥ Charlotte 

    Costume Ideas...Jardin Series

    Fairy-tale themed looks by Audrey and Lilli (Russian Photographer Duo)....

    ♥ Charlotte

    Wednesday, July 21, 2010

    Disney's "Sleeping Beauty"

    Key Scenes:
    • could use similar shots and lighting and techniques in our short film 
    • colours used could also be mimicked in our film- art direction

     the spindle prick scene:

      •  witches luring sequence limits itself to a black and glowing green colour pallet 
      • Aurora expression transforms from curiosity to a blank hypnotic state
      • majority of the scene is a combination of long takes, slow directional pans, and zooms both slow and fast. 
      • two close-ups are used to break the long shots
      • really simplistic shot set ups that follow Aurora in her "hypnotic" state.  
      Awakening- the kiss:

        •  standard end shot, locked in camera then slow pan in as phillip moves to Aurora
        • cuts to mid slight over Auroras shoulder shot for "true loves first kiss"
        • colour floods back into Aurora
        • cut to close up of Auroras face awakening with a small smile spreading across her face, shot not from Phillips perspective more a close observational shot- intimate but removed from the characters. 

          Tuesday, July 20, 2010

          Location Ideas:

          locations, locations....

          EXT. Rehab Clinic (need a name) 
          Idea one:

          • Practical Philosophy Building- The School of Philosophy
          • 33-37 Aro Street, Wellington
          • ph: (04)8019823

          Idea two
          • Charlottes Auntie and Uncles
          • Located Cheltenham, Fielding (2hrs out of wellington)
          (photo here)

          INT. Staff Room- Rehab Clinic
          Idea one:

          • staff room/kitchen room at Massey University, Wellington
          Idea two:
          • staff room at wellington high school or any local schools
          INT. Rehab Lounge/Social area
          Idea one:

          • Student Center Massey University Wellington
          • Common room- level two
          Idea two:
          • a comfy looking lounge somewhere...Charlotte's aunty and uncles house?
          INT. Auroras "Rehab" Bedroom
          Idea one:
          • will think about this one....

          INT. Rehab Hallway
          Idea one:
          • Hostel? preferably in wellington
          Idea two:
          •  old pharmacy school- contact Rachel
          INT. Office- Rehab Clinic
          • office at Massey?
          • someone who works in a office we know...?

          EXT. Auroras dream field/Phillips "reflective" scene
          Idea one:

          • Charlotte's Auntie and Uncles duck pond and farm
          Idea two
          • Botanical Gardens- Wellington  

          Flashbacks- Aurora's addiction and past memories 
          • montage filmed in various locations- need to break down flashback imagery more

          Flashbacks- Phillip's sisters story
          • montage- filmed in various locations- need to break down flashback story/imagery more
           INT. Rehab clinic
          backpackers in or just outside wellington- saw a villa backpackers at top of Mt Vic bus tunnel
            please note: theses are only brainstorming of location ideas- have not actually sorted out filming locations as of date


            Draft Script 2