locations, locations....
EXT. Rehab Clinic (need a name)
Idea one:
- Practical Philosophy Building- The School of Philosophy
- 33-37 Aro Street, Wellington
- ph: (04)8019823
- email:philosophy@xtra.co.nz
Idea two
- Charlottes Auntie and Uncles
- Located Cheltenham, Fielding (2hrs out of wellington)
INT. Staff Room- Rehab Clinic
Idea one:
- staff room/kitchen room at Massey University, Wellington
- staff room at wellington high school or any local schools
Idea one:
- Student Center Massey University Wellington
- Common room- level two
Idea two:
- a comfy looking lounge somewhere...Charlotte's aunty and uncles house?
Idea one:
- will think about this one....
INT. Rehab Hallway
Idea one:
- Hostel? preferably in wellington
Idea two:
- old pharmacy school- contact Rachel
- office at Massey?
- someone who works in a office we know...?
EXT. Auroras dream field/Phillips "reflective" scene
Idea one:
- Charlotte's Auntie and Uncles duck pond and farm
Idea two
- Botanical Gardens- Wellington
Flashbacks- Aurora's addiction and past memories
- montage filmed in various locations- need to break down flashback imagery more
- montage- filmed in various locations- need to break down flashback story/imagery more
INT. Rehab clinic
backpackers in or just outside wellington- saw a villa backpackers at top of Mt Vic bus tunnel
please note: theses are only brainstorming of location ideas- have not actually sorted out filming locations as of date
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