- Auroras dream sequence in field
- wakes up in rehab room
- Rehab staff room
- Marissa's conversation about new protocols "no touching patients" to max
- Phillip walks in as she leaves
- conversation with Max about work and some patients before Phillip heads to morning group session
- Aurora alone in rehab room- huddled and withdrawn in corner of bed
- nurse enters, has encouraging conversation with Aurora to bring her into group session
- conversation hints at how long Auroras been there
- Aurora hesitantly goes with her- they leave room
- Phillips group session os underway in the common room/lounge
- Patient, Ben, is at the tail end of his "story" is interupted with Auroras arrival
- Phillip feels instant attraction- "love at first sight"
- Aurora is encouraged to sit and share "her story" she bars up- runs away back into her isolation? maybe Phillip goes after her she passes him a note through door?
- also need to introduce phillips cellphone in this scene...
- Phillips group session os underway in the common room/lounge
- Patient, Ben, is at the tail end of his "story" is interupted with Auroras arrival
- Phillip looks at her with caring loving eyes and welcomes her with a charming smile (helped look after her at her worse sate and feel in love with her then- possible small flashback)
- Aurora is seated and asked to share her story she try's but is mute- struggles to speak
- scene is interrupted with Phillips cellphone call (needs to be a losely relevant conversation- maybe something to do with the lost wife??)
- Aurora takes notice of cellphone
- also need to include Phillips sympathy toward Auroras strugle of speech
Scene Five:
- Aurora awakens in her rehab room- it is late at night
- a small parcel is siting on her bedside table
- she grabs it and a small note falls saying "I hope you can use this to find your words again- Phillip" it is a journal and pen
- Aurora starts writing- flashbacks about her past life- don't show her addiction to internet just yet leave it as a unknown substance addiction
Scene Six:
- hint at days/weeks have gone by
- Aurora sits in the common room slightly removed and writing in her journal
- more memories
- phillip is in group session but his eye keeps wondering in her direction
- she catches his eye as she continues to write away
- also echo of "hands" that Aurora refers to in her journal- visual link
Scene Seven:
- Rehab hallway night, Phillip is doing his rounds
- Pauses outside Auroras Door before heading off for his break
- goes into office and shuffles trough papers and file before sitting down
Scene Eight:
- Aurora awakens from another dream
- she hears muffled sounds of someone crying she gets out of bed to investigate
- she reaches the office where Phillip is- Phillip turns around with tears in his eyes
- Aurora wants to comfort him with words but still unable to speak she looks at phillips belt where is cellphone is and desperately reaches to grab it
- there is a struggle between Phillip and Aurora he grabs her then she seizes up and faints
- Phillip carefully picks her up and carries her away heading back towards her room
- he places her on her bed pulls the blankets around her then softly kisses her before turning to leave
- Aurora awakens and looks in his direction as the door closes behind him
Scene Nine: same time as scene eight
- Max passing through hallway stops outside Auroras slightly open door and witnesses Phillips kiss with Aurora
Scene Ten:
- Phillip closes Aurora's door, turns and continues down the hallway
- max follows Phillip before grabbing his arm to confront him
- Phillip turns- gets slightly angry but never admits he was in the wrong
- Max informs Phillip that he has to report him, turns and leaves Phillip standing in the hallway
Scene Eleven:
- Marissa's in her office swamped with papers- there is a knock
- Phillip enters
- Marisssa says max saw her
- Phillip justifies why he did it with no regrets
- Phillip is put on leave (possibly put a time on it so there is reference to time period)
Scene Twelve:
- Aurora sits in her room (day and warmer lighting) narration of her "awakening"
- Max come into room
- Aurora speaks for the first time
- Max tells her of Phillips story
- montage and flashback as Max talks- also cuts to scene twelve through out scene
- max leaves Aurora in her room thinking (slightly more darker lighting again)
Scene Thirteen: same time as scene twelve
- Phillip walks towards duck pond
- he sits and has a reflective moment
- pulls engagement ring out of pocket and holds in palm of his hand
- thinks
- then throws the ring into the pond before turning to leave
Scene Fourteen:
- Late at night , Aurora is awake in her room waiting
- Phillip is on night duty he sees that Aurora is awke
- enters room notices journal is full
- she looks up at him and speaks "I'm not going to end up like her- I need your help"
Scene Fifteen:
- Cut to Phillip unlocking office door, they both enter the room glows blue from the light of the computer
- Aurora hesitates over the key board
- Phillip steps in and logs her into the internet
- She connects to her multiple profiles and pushes “Delete All”
- The window flicker across screen and automatically shut down
- Auroras hand twitches at her side as she stands by Phillip watching her online life erase away
- She slowly links her fingers between Phillips fingers (first self initiated human contact)
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